
Tatlayoko Field Station is nestled amongst spectacular, dynamic terrain.

Area of Interest

This overview map shows the TFS area of interest from Fraser River west to Bella Coola and from Bridge River and Bute Inlet north to Nazko and Dean River.

Tsilhqot’in Place Names

Indigenous languages contain specific knowledge of the environment. We must work to support the preservation of the Tsilhqot’in language, and this invaluable element of biodiversity in the region.

Click to enlarge the map, courtesy of the Tsilhqot’in National Government.

Tsilhqot’in Declared Title Area

The Chilcotin Region is the aboriginal home of the Tsilhqot'in people; a culture rooted in tradition and relationship to the land.

More information on the Tsilhqot'in Nation can be found here.

Declared Title Area Map used with permission from TNG.

Google Earth Images

The following Google Earth obliques show the West Chilcotin from Chilko to Charlotte Lake and across the Coast Mountains to the coast.

Tatlayoko Field Station: Overview

Click on the image to explore the .pdf file

Tatlayoko Field Station: Setting

Click on the image to explore the .pdf file


Niut Lakes

Click on the image to explore the .pdf file


Potato Mountain

Click on the image to explore the .pdf file