Fritz Mueller
Fritz has been involved in conservation efforts in the Chilcotin for many decades. He was the first to propose protected status for the Niut Range. The result, nearly ten years later and with the help of many friends and allies, was the Homathko River – Tatlayoko Protected Area. Fritz participated in the Cariboo-Chilcotin CORE process in the mid-nineties. He was a founding member of the Tatla Resource Association and was instrumental in the creation of the Tatla Community Land Use Plan and, later, the Tatla – Tsi Del Del Agreement, both of which became key parts of the Chilcotin Sub-regional Plan. He had a key role in the creation of the Eniyud Community Forest. He was also Nature Conservancy of Canada’s representative during NCC’s first five years at Tatlayoko.
Hiking and exploring the Chilcotin backcountry has been Fritz’s passion since moving to Tatlayoko in 1975. Some of his favourite trips, repeated many times, are the crest of Potato Mountain and the zig-zag route along the Niut Range divide.
Fritz lives on a homestead with his family. Their latest project is a large summer greenhouse combined with an innovative chicken tractor.
Fritz’s academic background is in literature and writing. Professionally, he is a luthier. He has made nearly 350 guitars now played on every continent but Antarctica.